Thursday, 25 April 2013


A picture i will continue on when i get home.. after all school work XD
All the colors will be kept simple c:
Got inspiration to it from this song~

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Drowning rainbow

Hereee is a concept pic that i might draw later .u. (add some clothes)
Seremedy has dispanded D: which is a shame since thy had such a good future but i wish them all good luck in their future projects c:

A bit stressed at the moment but i think i'll manage.. by drawing stuff

Friday, 12 April 2013

pretty stuff

Staying home for today... my foot is like inflamed and i can't walk properly since it hurts like hell xD and i'm most likely to get sick in the comming day.
So i have been staring at BJD's all morning checking on how much they cost and so (expencive :_:) since they seem intresting c:
 If i ever buy one i have to find that right apperance and try to customize it even though i don't know how xD
Seen so many pretty all over DeviantArt and some of the manufactors sites. 
I should start doing homework now D;

cheers .u.

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Update no?

Well 2 days ago i was on a small road trip to my brother's appartment to leave him off and eat on a resturant called Texas long horn. Ate a really nice hamburger with guacamole and jalapeños c:
As we were on our way home the sunlight was really harsh and reflected beautifuly in Vättern, one of Sweden's largest lakes.